Visit my Etsy shop to purchase two new 8×10 prints!

drawings & illustrations
Has anyone seen my pet mouse?
Pen and watercolor drawing of a barn owl.
Visit my Etsy shop to purchase a 5×7″art print of this design.
Visit my Society6 shop to purchase this design as a tote bag, throw pillow or other home decor item.
Visit my Redbubble shop to purchase this design as a tapestry, sticker or other gift item.
Y’all leave me alone!
Pen and watercolor drawing of a Carolina Wren.
Visit my Etsy shop to purchase a 5×7″art print of this design.
Visit my Society6 shop to purchase this design as a tote bag, throw pillow or other home decor item.
Visit my Redbubble shop to purchase this design as a tapestry, sticker or other gift item.
Toucan is a retired marketing mascot.
Pen and watercolor drawing of a toucan.
Visit my Etsy shop to purchase a 5×7″art print of this design.
Visit my Society6 shop to purchase this design as a tote bag, throw pillow or other home decor item.
Visit my Redbubble shop to purchase this design as a tapestry, sticker or other gift item.
Welcome the arrival of spring with fresh takes on my drawings! Bright white versions of five designs are now available in my Etsy shop.
Continue reading “Fresh Takes” →
It is said that when a pink flamingo wearing a fez appears on your front lawn you will enjoy good fortune for one hundred years. Or is it misfortune? Ha, just kidding! I don’t know anything. A pink elephant, on the other hand…
Pen and watercolor drawing of a fez-wearing flamingo.
Visit my Etsy shop to purchase a 5×7″art print of this design.
Visit my Society6 shop to purchase this design as a tote bag, throw pillow or other home decor item.
Visit my Redbubble shop to purchase this design as a tapestry, sticker or other gift item.
Pen and watercolor drawing of a duck out for a stroll.
Visit my Etsy shop to purchase a 5×7″art print and greeting cards of this design.
Visit my Society6 shop to purchase this design as a tote bag, throw pillow or other home decor item.
Visit my Redbubble shop to purchase this design as a tapestry, sticker or other gift item.
A raven flew into town. He was soft-spoken and mumbled his words, so there was widespread disagreement about his name. Birds called him Maurice, while cats knew him as Morris. Shortly after the raven left town for points west, the Daily Herald reported the disappearance of the mouse family residing in the abandoned tree hollow at Keebler Pond. Local authorities rounded up the usual suspects, but everyone had verifiable alibis. The case remains unsolved.
Visit my Etsy shop to purchase a 5×7″art print of this design.
Visit my Society6 shop to purchase this design as a tote bag, throw pillow or other home decor item.
Visit my Redbubble shop to purchase this design as a tapestry, sticker or other gift item.
This bird remains calm, cool, and collected.
A.K.A., I remember back when everyone wore a hat. Now, get off my lawn. 😉
Unflappable – pen and watercolor. Drawn with a TWSBI Mini fountain pen (extra fine nib) using Platinum Carbon Ink. Winsor & Newton watercolors. Digital scan adjusted and edited in Photoshop. Background color applied in Illustrator.
Based on an updated (with fez) version of this daily drawing:
Visit my Etsy shop to purchase 5×7″ and 8×10″ art prints of this design directly from me.
Visit my Redbubble artist shop to purchase this design as a art board, notebook or other gift item.
Visit my Society6 shop to purchase this design as a art print, tote bag or other home decor item.
From my daily drawings…
Pen and watercolor parakeet. Drawn on Canson XL Mix Media paper with Uni Pin Fine Line pens and Faber-Castell Albrecht Dürer watercolor pencils. Digital scan adjusted and edited in Photoshop. Background color applied in Illustrator.
Follow my daily drawings on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
Visit my Etsy shop to purchase 5×7″ and 8×10″ art prints of this design directly from me.
Visit my artist shop at Redbubble to purchase this design as a phone case, throw pillow or sticker.