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drawings & illustrations
My first new comic in about eight months. Feels great to create something new!
Now that hockey season is over, penguin pillow can finally put his scarf away for the summer.
NOTE: This paper and pencil drawing was scanned as a 600 dpi TIFF and then processed using Photoshop. The information in the tutorial “Quick Tip: Clean Up Your Traditional Drawings in Photoshop” was essential to achieve attractive Photoshop clean up results. In the past, I primarily used Levels to adjust the tonal range, but after trying this tutorial I found better results by using Curves (at least with this drawing).
If you’ve played 3D video games you’ll recognize low poly from its blocky appearance and lack of detail. In 3D computer graphics a polygon mesh, often composed of triangles, is used to model 3D objects. The more polygons used in the mesh, the more detail can be applied to the object.
I recently watched a video that demonstrated an easily understood process for using an image to create low poly artwork in Adobe Illustrator. While playing the video I wanted to look at written instructions, but there were none available. Watching parts of the video over and over again was slowing me down, so I ended up taking my own notes and have turned them into this tutorial. Continue reading “How to Create a Low Poly Dog in Adobe Illustrator” →
It has nothing to do with salt, tires or salty language. A saltire is the diagonal cross used in many flag designs, including the flags of Scotland and Jamaica.
I first learned about saltires (and their use in flag designs) while searching for an simple way to divide a rectangle into matching pairs of triangles. This tutorial might not be as entertaining as Sheldon Cooper’s “Fun with Flags” videos (from The Big Bang Theory), but you’ll find out a a few flag facts and learn how to create an easily customizable saltire flag. Continue reading “How to Create a Saltire Flag in Adobe Illustrator” →
The interwebs demand that new sites have a first post or page, so this is mine.
I’m expecting this site to become part online illustration/comics portfolio, and part digital/analog art technique and production blog. In a few months (or years) it might become a 404 Not Found error, but I can’t worry about that now. After all, I’ve already paid for two years of web hosting. 😉
Take a look at the About page if you’re curious about why this site exists.
Thanks for visiting!
May 25, 2016